
JZarr provides classes and functions to handle N-dimensional arrays data whose data can be divided into chunks and each chunk can be compressed.

General Information

In the JZarr API, data inputs and outputs are allways one-dimensional arrays of primitive Java types double, float, long, int, short, byte. Users have to specify the N-dimensionality of the data by a shape parameter requested by many of the JZarr API operations.

To read or write data portions to or from the array, a shape describing the portion and an offset is needed. The zarr array offsets are zero-based (0).

For Example:
If you need to write data to the upper left corner of a 2 dimensional zarr array you have to use an offset of new int[]{0, 0}.


All data persisted using this API can be read in with the Python zarr API without limmitations.

If you are already familiar with the Python zarr package then JZarr provide similar functionality, but without NumPy array behavior.

If you need array objects which behave almost like NumPy arrays you can wrap the data using ND4J INDArray from deeplearning4j.org. You can find examples in the data writing and reading examples below.

Alternatively you can use ucar.ma2.Array from netcdf-java Common Data Model to wrap the data.

Creating an array

JZarr has several functions for creating arrays. For example:

ZarrArray jZarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(10000, 10000)
        .chunks(1000, 1000)

A System.out.println(array); then creates the following output

com.bc.zarr.ZarrArray{'/' shape=[10000, 10000], chunks=[1000, 1000], dataType=i4, fillValue=0, compressor=blosc/cname=lz4/clevel=5/blocksize=0/shuffle=1, store=InMemoryStore, byteOrder=BIG_ENDIAN}

The code above creates a 2-dimensional array of 32-bit integers with 10000 rows and 10000 columns, divided into chunks where each chunk has 1000 rows and 1000 columns (and so there will be 100 chunks in total).

For a complete list of array creation routines see the array creation module documentation.

Writing and reading data

This example shows how to write and read a region to an array.

Creates an array with size [5 rows, 7 columns], with data type int and with a fill value of -9999.

ZarrArray array = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(5, 7)
        .dataType(DataType.i4) // integer data type

Prepare the data which should be written to the array with a shape of [3, 5] and an offset of [2, 0].

// define the data which should be written
int[] data = {
        11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
        21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
        31, 32, 33, 34, 35
int[] shape = {3, 5}; // the actual N-D shape of the data
int[] offset = {2, 0}; // and the offset into the original array

Write the prepared data.

array.write(data, shape, offset);

Read the entire data from the array.

int[] entireData = (int[]) array.read();

Print out the data read.

OutputHelper.Writer writer = out -> {
    DataBuffer buffer = Nd4j.createBuffer(entireData);
    out.println(Nd4j.create(buffer).reshape('c', array.getShape()));

Creates the following output

[[     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999], 
 [     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999], 
 [        11,        12,        13,        14,        15,     -9999,     -9999], 
 [        21,        22,        23,        24,        25,     -9999,     -9999], 
 [        31,        32,        33,        34,        35,     -9999,     -9999]]

The output displays that the previously written data (written with an offset of [2, 0]) is where we expect it to be. Other positions contain the previously defined fill value -9999.


Nd4j is not part of the JZarr library. It is only used in this showcase to demonstrate how the data can be used.

Persistent arrays

In the examples above, the data of the arrays (chunked) were only stored in RAM. JZarr arrays can also be stored on a file system, which enables persistence of data between sessions.

String path = "docs/examples/output/example_3.zarr";
ZarrArray createdArray = ZarrArray.create(path, new ArrayParams()
        .shape(1000, 1000)
        .chunks(250, 250)

The array above will store its configuration metadata (zarr header .zarray) and all compressed chunk data in a directory called ‘docs/examples/output/example_3.zarr’ relative to the current working directory.

The created zarr header file .zarray written in JSON format.

  "chunks" : [ 250, 250 ],
  "compressor" : {
    "clevel" : 5,
    "blocksize" : 0,
    "shuffle" : 1,
    "cname" : "lz4",
    "id" : "blosc"
  "dtype" : ">i4",
  "fill_value" : -9999,
  "filters" : null,
  "order" : "C",
  "shape" : [ 1000, 1000 ],
  "dimension_separator" : ".",
  "zarr_format" : 2

Write some data to the created persistent array.

int value = 42;
int[] withShape = {3, 4};
int[] toPosition = {21, 22};

createdArray.write(value, withShape, toPosition);


There is no need to close an array. Data are automatically flushed to disk, and files are automatically closed whenever an array is modified.

Then we can reopen the array and read the data

ZarrArray reopenedArray = ZarrArray.open("docs/examples/output/example_3.zarr");
int[] shape = {5, 6};
int[] fromPosition = {20, 21};
int[] data = (int[]) reopenedArray.read(shape, fromPosition);

Which now looks like:

[[     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999], 
 [     -9999,        42,        42,        42,        42,     -9999], 
 [     -9999,        42,        42,        42,        42,     -9999], 
 [     -9999,        42,        42,        42,        42,     -9999], 
 [     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999,     -9999]]

Resizing and appending

Currently not implemented.


A number of different compressors can be used with JZarr. Different compressors can be created and parameterized with the CompressorFactory.

blosc default compressor

Default values are:

cname = "lz4"
clevel: 5
blocksize: 0
shuffle: 1

The meaning of this values you can find at: Official c-blosc API documentation

Valid values are:

cname ... "zstd", "blosclz", "lz4", "lz4hc", "zlib"
clevel ... clevel parameter must be between 0 and 9
blocksize ... see https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc/blob/master/blosc/blosc.h#L202
shuffle   ... -1 (AUTOSHUFFLE) / 0 (NOSHUFFLE) / 1 (BYTESHUFFLE=default) / 2 (BITSHUFFLE)


Default values are:

level: 1

Valid values are:

level ... level parameter must be between 0 and 9


The null compressor implements the Compressor interface, but does not apply any compression algorithm. If you want to easily verify exactly what data is being written while developing an application that uses JZarr, it can be helpful to use this compressor. The written data then can be easily verified with a hex editor.


// Currently available compressors

// zlib compressor
// ===============
// creates a zlib compressor with standard compression level 1

// creates a zlib compressor with compression level 8 ... valid values 0 .. 9
CompressorFactory.create("zlib", "level", 8);

// blosc compressor
// ================
// All permutations of cname, clevel, shuffle and blocksize are allowed

// creates a blosc compressor with standard values

// creates a blosc compressor with lz4hc algorithm with level 7
CompressorFactory.create("blosc", "cname", "lz4hc", "clevel", 7);

// creates a blosc compressor with byteshuffle
CompressorFactory.create("blosc", "shuffle", 1);

// null compressor
// ===============
// Means no compression e.g. for analysis purposes
// In this case values are written without compression as raw binaries
Compressor compNull = CompressorFactory.create("null");

ZarrArray jZarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(222, 333, 44)  // one or more dimensions
        .compressor(compNull)  // if you need uncompressed chunks e.g. for analysis purposes


In this very beginning phase we only implemented the “blosc”, the “zlib” and a “null” compressor. If no compressor is specified at array creation time, a “blosc” compressor with default values is used. More compressors will be implemented in the future.

Additionally, in the future, developers should be able to register their own Compressors in the CompressorFactory. A compressor must extend the abstract Compressor class.


Currently not implemented.


JZarr supports hierarchical organization of arrays via groups. As with arrays, groups can be stored in memory, on disk, or via other storage systems that support a similar interface.

To create a group, use the suitable static ZarrGruup.create() method.

In the following example you can see:

  • how to create a group
  • how to create sub groups
  • how to create arrays within a group
  • how to open existing groups
  • how to open existing subgroups
  • how to open existing arrays within a group or subgroup
String path = "docs/examples/output/example_5.zarr";

// persist a group with sub groups and an array
ZarrGroup root = ZarrGroup.create(path);
ZarrGroup foo = root.createSubGroup("foo");
ZarrGroup bar = foo.createSubGroup("bar");
ZarrArray array = bar.createArray("baz", new ArrayParams()
        .shape(1000, 1000).chunks(100, 100).dataType(DataType.i4)

// reopen the root group, nested groups and array
final ZarrGroup rootReopened = ZarrGroup.open(path);
final Iterator<String> groupKeyIter = rootReopened.getGroupKeys().iterator();
final ZarrGroup sub1 = rootReopened.openSubGroup(groupKeyIter.next());
final ZarrGroup sub2 = rootReopened.openSubGroup(groupKeyIter.next());
final ZarrArray arrayReopened = rootReopened.openArray(rootReopened.getArrayKeys().iterator().next());

The following code snipped


then creates the following output

com.bc.zarr.ZarrArray{'/foo/bar/baz' shape=[1000, 1000], chunks=[100, 100], dataType=i4, fillValue=0.0, compressor=blosc/cname=lz4/clevel=5/blocksize=0/shuffle=1, store=FileSystemStore, byteOrder=BIG_ENDIAN}

User attributes

JZarr arrays and groups support custom key/value attributes, which can be useful for storing application-specific metadata. For example:

Map<String, Object> attrs;
Map<String, Object> attributes;
ZarrGroup group;
ZarrArray array;

attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("baz", 42);
attrs.put("qux", new int[]{1, 4, 7, 12});

// store user attributes at group creation time
group = ZarrGroup.create(new InMemoryStore(), attrs);

// store user attributes at array creation time
array = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams().shape(10, 10), attrs);

// also at array creation time within a group
array = group.createArray("name", new ArrayParams().shape(10, 10), attrs);

// store or restore user attributes after creation time

// get attributes from group
attrs = group.getAttributes();
// similar from array
attributes = array.getAttributes();

You can easily print out the attributes content using System.out.println(ZarrUtils.toJson(attributes, true));

  "qux" : [ 1, 4, 7, 12 ],
  "baz" : 42


If you take user attributes from a group or an array modifications (put, replace or remove) on the attributes are not automatically stored. The writeAttributes() from ZarrGroup or ZarrArray must be used to restore the changed attributes.

Internally JZarr uses JSON to store array attributes, so attribute values must be JSON serializable.

Partly reading writing

JZarr ZarrArrays enable a subset of data items to be extracted or updated in an array without loading the entire array into memory.

// create an array
int height = 10;
int width = 6;
int[] arrayShape = {height, width};
ZarrArray arr = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()

// write a data part (value 33) to the offset position with the given shape
int value = 33;
int[] shape = {6, 4};   // the shape for the data to be written
int[] offset = {2, 1};  // y direction offset: 2   x direction offset: 1
arr.write(value, shape, offset);

// read entire array data
short[] data = (short[]) arr.read();

// wrap the data and create output
createOutput(out -> {
    DataBuffer buffer = Nd4j.createBuffer(arrayShape, org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType.SHORT);
    out.println(Nd4j.create(buffer).reshape('c', arrayShape));

The output shows the data is written with the given shape to the offset position.

[[         0,         0,         0,         0,         0,         0], 
 [         0,         0,         0,         0,         0,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,   33.0000,         0], 
 [         0,         0,         0,         0,         0,         0], 
 [         0,         0,         0,         0,         0,         0]]

Partly read and write is also used in examples above. See Persistent arrays

Chunk size an shape

In general, chunks of at least 1 megabyte (1M) uncompressed size seem to provide good performance, at least when using compression too.

The optimal chunk shape will depend on how you want to access the data. E.g., for a 2-dimensional array, if you only ever take slices along the first dimension, then chunk across the second dimenson. If you know you want to chunk across an entire dimension you can use 0 or negative value within the chunks argument, e.g.:

ZarrArray zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(8888, 7777).chunks(100, 0)
int[] chunks = zarray.getChunks();

The output shows the automatically replaced 0 with full size of the first dimension.

[100, 7777]

Alternatively, if you only ever take slices along the second dimension, then chunk across the first dimension, e.g.:

ZarrArray zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(8888, 7777).chunks(0, 100)
int[] chunks = zarray.getChunks();

The output shows the automatically replaced 0 with full size of the second dimension.

[8888, 100]

If you require reasonable performance for both access patterns then you need to find a compromise, e.g.:

ZarrArray zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(10000, 10000).chunks(1000, 1000)

ate static void example_11() throws IOException, JZarrException {
ZarrArray zarray;
zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500).chunked(true)
int[] chunks1 = zarray.getChunks();

// array creation without chunked(true) leads to the same result, because true is the
// default value for the parameter chunked
zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500)
int[] chunks2 = zarray.getChunks();

If you are feeling lazy, you can let JZarr guess a chunk shape for your data by providing chunked(True) E.g.:

ZarrArray zarray;
zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500).chunked(true)
int[] chunks1 = zarray.getChunks();

// array creation without chunked(true) leads to the same result, because true is the
// default value for the parameter chunked
zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500)
int[] chunks2 = zarray.getChunks();
chunks1 = [477, 500]
chunks2 = [477, 500]


The algorithm for guessing a chunk shape is based on simple heuristics and may be far from optimal.

If you know you are always going to be loading the entire array into memory, you can turn off chunks by providing chunked(false), in which case there will be one single chunk for the array:

ZarrArray zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500).chunked(false)
int[] chunks = zarray.getChunks();
chunks = [6200, 7500]

Chunk memory layout

The order of bytes within chunks of an array can be changed via the byteOrder() parameter. To use either ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN or ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN layout. E.g.:

ZarrArray zarray = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams()
        .shape(6200, 7500)

These two layouts may provide different compression ratios, depending on the correlation structure within the data. Changing the order of bytes within chunks of an array may improve the compression ratio, depending on the structure of the data, the compression algorithm/level is used.


If Byte order is not set, the default Byte order ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN will be used.

Parallel computing and synchronisation

Basically zarr arrays have been designed for use as the source or sink for data in parallel computations. By data source we mean that multiple concurrent read operations may occur. By data sink we mean that multiple concurrent write operations may occur, with each writer updating a different array.

Additionally JZarr is thread save in cases if multiple write operations occur on the same array on the same chunk concurrently from within different threads. This works without data loss.

Currently JZarr is not process save. This means, that if multiple write operations occur on the same array on the same chunk concurrently from within different processes, this can lead to data loss. Process synchronizing will be implemented in the future too.

When using a JZarr array as a data sink, some synchronization (locking) may be required to avoid data loss, depending on how data are being updated.

If each worker in a parallel computation is writing to a separate region of the array, and if region boundaries are perfectly aligned with chunk boundaries, then no synchronization is required. However, if region and chunk boundaries are not perfectly aligned, then synchronization is required to avoid two workers attempting to modify the same chunk at the same time, which could result in data loss.

To give a simple example, consider a 1-dimensional array of length 30, z, divided into three chunks of 10 elements each. If three worker processes are running and each attempts to write to a 10 element region (i.e., offset {0}, offset {10} and offset {20}) then each worker will be writing to a separate chunk and no synchronization is required.

ZarrArray z = ZarrArray.create(new ArrayParams().shape(30).chunks(10).dataType(DataType.i4));

int[] writeDataShape = {10};

int[] data1 = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19};
int[] data2 = {20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29};
int[] data3 = {30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39};

int[] offset1 = {0};
int[] offset2 = {10};
int[] offset3 = {20};

z.write(data1, writeDataShape, offset1);
z.write(data2, writeDataShape, offset2);
z.write(data3, writeDataShape, offset3);

int[] data = (int[]) z.read();
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]